Monday, September 8, 2008

What? Huh?, Cheryl, everything''s all---oh you got me, Cheryl, yes, I am crying. I'm sorry, I didn't want tonight to be like this, and it's such a good game.

It's just....haaaaaaaaa....I don't know. I feel like we should be doing more? Listening to you talk to Father Phillip, he's so great, and he's helped so many, and you're great too, Cher, but look at this! The butterfingers are all gone, but no one's touched the Mars Bars! And the Sierra Mist, sure it tastes a little like Sprite, but people have different tastes, right? I just wish I knew what people wanted....and we can't afford Baby Ruth's. What do people think the Booster's table is? The Hilton? I'm sorry that we don't have beer, EXCUSE ME, aren't sports for the entire family? Not one drunkard who's just killing time before Seventh Heaven (or something).

I guess that's not fair. Seventh Heaven is a great show. Cher, you're right, Father Phillip did used to look like Gregory Peck, but now he's old, and Kenneth Branagh is definitely a hunk. I'm just sorry I had to go and ruin it.

Plus I got a book recommendation from Horatio: Lolita? Have you heard of that. It's by some Spanish author, and I don't understand it one bit. It's disgusting? Why would I want to read that when there's so much else to worry about! I'm thinking about making some serious changes to this booster's table...and to the raffles. I'm thinking bigger, better, more PIZZAZ.

A revolution.

I've seen that look before, Cheryl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

raffles? check out